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What Does Effective Porn

Rehab & Recovery Look Like?


If you're wondering, "What does effective Porn rehab and recovery look like?" you've come to the right place. If you're beating your head against the wall wondering, "How in the world can I permanently break free from porn addiction?" you're NOT alone! I can totally relate!


My name is Mark Kastleman. For 20 years, I've been helping men all around the world break out of their hopeless habit of watching porn. I KNOW what works and what doesn't. How? I'm not only a therapist who specializes in pornography addiction, I'm also a porn addict in long-term successful recovery. 


Is Residential Rehab Necessary?

There's a LOT of debate out there about what it takes to permanently break free from porn addiction. Is 60 - 90 days in an expensive Residential Rehab Facility the answer? There are some severe circumstances where secluding someone in a facility away from their addiction triggers and environments can be very helpful. BUT, I ALWAYS caution addicts and their loved ones about this strategy. I know from personal experience and working with clients and their families over several decades, how tempting it can be to "lock someone away" in a rehab facility and assume this will be the "cure." It NEVER is. It can be a very effective and helpful "start" but it's only the beginning of the recovery process.


The REAL work begins when the porn addict in recovery leaves the secluded safety of the rehab facility and is thrown back into his old environment, temptations, triggers, emotions, memories and stress. While the rehab facility can give him a great start, he MUST learn to live and cope in the real world! A once-a-week therapy or group session is NOT enough! That's why my intensive recovery program is DAILY, while not interfering with school and work schedules, family and church commitments, etc. The individual can live a "normal" life and schedule, while still receiving the intensive level of recovery support he needs.     

Here's How my Intensive Program and Counseling will Help you Overcome Porn Addiction​

Weekly Therapy Sessions with Mark where he personally mentors you on the path to breaking permanently free from Porn. 

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Knowledge, tools and skills that actually show you HOW to overcome your addiction-–in real life!

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Daily professional support and accountability with Mark because once-a-week counseling is NOT enough.

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Addiction is a "symptom." Reveal and heal the deep core issues that trigger and drive your porn addiction.

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Daily support from men in the program who are facing challenges similar to yours. 

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24/7 access to specialized online training and resources because addiction urges can hit you anytime!

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Holistic treatment that helps you in all areas: mental, emotional, spiritual and relational.

My Own Porn Addiction Nearly Killed Me!

For 30 years, starting when I was a kid and extending decades into my adult life, pornography dominated my world! I tried EVERYTHING to break free and nothing worked to permanently set me free—I just kept relapsing and falling back into the black hole of porn. I was so angry, frustrated and hopeless I came very close to putting a gun to my head several times. You can view my personal story here—Mark's Story


Finally, after many years of trial and error, making all the recovery mistakes, I learned what actually WORKS to finally and permanently STOP watching porn! These tested and proven principles and tools have worked for me and my clients—most of us suffering from very severe, deep, decades-long pornography addiction. If we can do it, YOU can do it. You just need someone who's been there to show you how.

You Don't Have to Live Trapped in Porn and Sex Addiction! There IS a Way Out!

I remember when I was hopelessly trapped on what I call, "The roller coaster ride from Hell!"—Fighting porn urges until I was exhausted; giving into porn and getting instant, temporary relief from the battle; pounding my fist on the desk and vowing never to look at it again—and then the whole cycle would start over again—fighting–giving-in–fighting–giving-in—until I was completely hopeless!


Perhaps you're in a similar situation. You just want to STOP looking at porn! Why does that have to be so damn hard?! Believe me, I can relate! I was once in a place similar to where you are now. And I know how HARD it is to imagine that you could ever live your life COMPLETELY free from porn. I'm here to tell you that for me and many, many of my clients past and present, it IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE! It will likely be one of the MOST focused and challenging things you will ever do, but those of us who have been where you are now are LIVING PROOF that YOU CAN DO IT!

The Next Move is Up to You!

If I were in your shoes, I would probably be hopeful and at the same time skeptical. I get that. But, only you can decide if it's worth taking the next step—communicating with me. If you're ready to kick your porn habit's butt and move forward on the path to a porn-free life, then reach out to me and let's get started.


If you're serious about breaking free from porn once and for all—then the next step is yours to take—click on the link below and text me, email me, or set up a phone conversation with me. I'll answer your questions, give you raw and honest feedback about your situation, and help you move forward on the path of freedom! 

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