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How can I STOP watching porn?!

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If you're beating your head against the wall wondering, "How in the world can I stop watching porn?" you're NOT alone! I can totally relate!


My name is Mark Kastleman. For 20 years, I've been helping men all around the world break out of their hopeless habit of watching porn. I KNOW what works and what doesn't. How? I'm not only a therapist who specializes in pornography addiction, I'm also a porn addict in long-term successful recovery. 

Here's How my Intensive Program and Counseling will Help you Stop Watching Porn​

Weekly Therapy Sessions with Mark where he personally mentors you on the path to breaking permanently free from Porn. 

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Knowledge, tools and skills that actually show you HOW to overcome your addiction-–in real life!

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Daily professional support and accountability with Mark because once-a-week counseling is NOT enough.

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Addiction is a "symptom." Reveal and heal the deep core issues that trigger and drive your porn addiction.

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Daily support from men in the program who are facing challenges similar to yours. 

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24/7 access to specialized online training and resources because addiction urges can hit you anytime!

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Holistic treatment that helps you in all areas: mental, emotional, spiritual and relational.

You Don't Have to Live Trapped in Porn and Sex Addiction! There IS a Way Out!

If you're serious about breaking free from porn once and for all—then the next step is yours to take—click on the link below and set up a phone conversation with me. I'll answer your questions, give you raw and honest feedback about your situation, and help you move forward on the path of freedom! 

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